Ready to be used antifreeze fluid for cooling systems. Blended withspecial components which combine the properties of ethylene gli-cole with high quality corrosion inhibitors. It ensures a long lastingefficiency of the cooling system under the most severe conditions, itperforms up to -38° C. It guaranties the optimal heat transfer underat very high temperatures. It prevents rust and corrosion and calciumdepots formation. It allows a max. protection up to -38° C.
Ready to be used antifreeze fluid for cooling systems. Blended withspecial components which combine the properties of ethylene gli-cole with high quality corrosion inhibitors. It ensures a long lastingefficiency of the cooling system under the most severe conditions, itperforms up to -38° C. It guaranties the optimal heat transfer underat very high temperatures. It prevents rust and corrosion and calciumdepots formation. It allows a max. protection up to -38° C.